Featured Member: Rainforest Alliance


The Rainforest Alliance works toward making responsible business the new normal through our certification program, landscape and community work, tailored supply chain services, and advocacy.

In June 2020, the Rainforest Alliance takes the first step on its journey towards “reimagining certification” with the publication of its 2020 Certification Program. We have been working on this new program since 2018, when Rainforest Alliance and UTZ merged. The new program will replace existing Rainforest Alliance and UTZ certification programs from mid-2021. It consists of the Sustainable Agriculture Standard with requirements for farms and supply chains, along with a new assurance system and a suite of tools to measure progress towards sustainability objectives.

The new standard, assurance system and related data and technology systems are designed to deliver more value to the many people and companies around the world that use our certification as an essential tool to support sustainable agricultural production and supply chains.  This means strengthened requirements for farms and companies, better monitoring and assurance systems, advanced digital innovations—and at the heart of it all, a vision of sustainability as a shared journey of continuous improvement.

Building climate resilience, advancing human rights, cultivating rural prosperity, protecting forests and biodiversity, better analysis of risks and measurement of performance through improved data management, and shared responsibility are some of the main advances for people and nature in our new 2020 Certification Program.

In May of this year, the Rainforest Alliance also released its new seal, which can be used on product packaging and promotional materials from September 1, 2020. The new seal will eventually replace the current Rainforest Alliance Certified™ seal and the UTZ label. The new certification seal is a simple visual that shows consumers how to make a better choice. It demonstrates that farmers and companies are taking steps to make their products more sustainable, creating a better future for people and nature.